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Scanning Instructions

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When scanning an image for upload to Precious Photos please consider the following recommendations.

Scan in true color or gray scale?


Scan all pictures, including black and white, in true color.
Pictures talk.  The original state of the picture is extremely important for the proper decryption of original state.  From a technical viewpoint, true color scanning pulls out more depth, than 256k grayscale.  Please make as few adjustments to the scan as possible.


What dpi should be used?


Disregard dpi settings.  Block in the area to be scanned.   Then incrementally increase (or decrease) the dpi settings until the scanner reports a scanned file size of around 10 megabytes.  This will determine the dpi settings.  A 10 megabyte image when saved as a jpg, using minimal compression, (maximal resolution) will compress to below 1.44 megabytes.  It will fit on a single floppy.

In all cases do not exceed the optical dpi specifications of your scanner.  (interpolation characteristics vary widely among scanners).  Once again, maximal originality is key.


How do I scan negatives?

Negative scans require special equipment.  Unless your photo restoration requires removal, addition of subject(s) or change of background, please consider a duplication service instead.  Photo restoration facilities are not a cost effective consideration for duplication services unless the output is to large format canvas or print.


What about cropping?

The output of an image is relative to the size of the input.  In simple terms this means that unless a scanned print is 2" x 2 1/2", 4" x 5", etc., it cannot be printed in its entirety to 8x10 size. One or both sides of   the image (in landscape mode) or the top and/or bottom (in portrait mode) will have to be cropped, or background needs to be cloned to fill an 8x10 sheet of paper. If the entire image area is important it can be printed fully but larger than normal borders will have to be present on the long side of the 8x10 paper, whether in portrait or landscape mode.  If cropping of your image is required, please specify preferred side of image to crop.

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